Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Wto 19:37, 20 Mar 2007
a to??? też chyba sie przyda:)
*zobaczcie co wygrałSmile
PostWysłany: Wto 15:52, 20 Mar 2007

Toz pisze ze w Ivory Tower (shoping area) czyli na dolnym pietrze białej wieży.
PostWysłany: Pon 20:51, 19 Mar 2007

a gdzie ten Wesley jest?
PostWysłany: Pon 16:25, 19 Mar 2007

Zadanie zaczyna sie u Trader Wesley in the basement w Białej wieży (strefa sklepowa).

Poluj na moby:

Tower of Insolence
Crendion, Hallate's Maid, Hallate's Guardian, Platinum Tribe Shaman and Platinum Guardian Shaman.

Blazing Swamp
Lava Wyrm, Hames Orc Shaman

Lava Wyrm : Wyrms Blood
Hallate's Guardian : Demon's Blood
Hallate's Maid (3 piętro) : Brown Reagent Pouch
Crendion : Nie mam pojęcia
Platinum Tribe Shaman : Brown Reagent Pouch
Platinum Guardian Shaman : Reagant Box
Hames Orc Shaman : Grey Reagant Pouch, Quicksilver

Grey Reagant Pouch po otworzeniu otrzymasz jedno z:
2 Volcanic Ash(s), 2 Quicksilver(s), Lava Stone, Moonstone Shard

Reagant Box po otworzeniu otrzymasz:
2 Blood Root(s) lub Infernium Ore

Brown Reagant Pouch po otworzeniu otrzymasz jedno z:
Infernium Ore, Rotten Bone Piece lub 2 Sulfur(s)

Mixing Reagants

Zanieś potrzebne składniki do Alchemist's Mixing Urn (to urna) znajdziesz ją w Ivory Tower (poziom sklepowy) po srodku sali, pod filarem, naprzeciwko Magic Trade Wesley. Wybierz skladniki jakie chcesz zmieszac i ustaw temperature w jakiej chcesz to złaczyć. Mała temperatura (1, Salamander) jest bezpieczna but produces less reagents, while the higher temperatures (3, Phoenix) może zawieść ale może stworzyc wiecej surowców. You must choose ingredients that are part of a formula (listed at the Mixing Urn)in order to succeed:

Co mozna stworzyc w urnie:
Dracoplasm: 10 Wyrm's Bloods, 1 Blood Root
Magmu Dust: 10 Lava Stones, 1 Volcanic Ash
Moon Dust: 10 Moonstone Shards, 1 Volcanic Ash
Necroplasm: 10 Rotten Bone Pieces, 1 Blood Root
Inferno Dust: 10 Infernium Ores, 1 Volcanic Ash
Demonplasm: 10 Demon Blood, 1 blood Root
High Level Reagant Forumals:
Draconic Essence: 10 Dracoplasms, 1 Quicksilver
Fire Essence: 10 Magma Dusts, 1 Sulfur
Lunargent: 10 Moon Dusts, 1 Quicksilver
Midnight Oil: 10 Necroplasms, 1 QuickSilver
Demonic Essense: 10 Demonplasms, 1 Sulfur
Abyss Oil: 10 Inferno Dusts, 1 Sulfur
Hellfire Oil: 1 Fire Essence, 1 Demonic Essence
Nightmare Oil: 1 Lunargent, 1 Midnight Oil

Gdy zaniesiesz wypisany skladnik do Wesley to trade da ci recepte, kluczowy materiał, lub część zbroi.
Reward List by Lothlian
Asofe X 1 - 6 Dracoplasm
Thons X 1 - 4 Necroplasm
Cursed Bone X 100 - 4 Inferno Ore
Potion of Alacrity X 10 - 7 Demonplasm
Scroll of Resurrection X 10 - 8 Moon Dust
Recipe: Avadon Gloves(60%) - 1 Dragonic Essence
Recipe: Zubei's Gauntles(60%) - 1 Dragonic Essence
Recipe: Avadon Boots(60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
Recipe: Zubei's Boots(60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
Recipe: Blue Wolf Gloves(60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
Recipe: Blue Wolf Boots(60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
Recipe: Doom Gloves(60%) - 1 Midnight Oil
Recipe: Doom Boots(60%) - Midnight Oil
Sealed Dark Crystal Gaiters Pattern X 1 - 1 Lunargent
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern X 1 - 1 Lunargent
Sealed Dark Crystal Breastplate Pattern X 1 - 1 Demonic Essence
Sealled Tallum Leather Armor Pattern X 1 - 1 Demonic
Sealed Tallum Plate Armor Pattern X 1 - 1 Abyss Oil
Sealed Leather Armor of Nightmare Fabric X 1 - 1 Abyss Oil
Sealed Majestic Leather Armor Fabric X 1 - 1 Abyss Oil
Sealed Armor of Nightmare Pattern X 1 - 1 Fire Essence
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor Pattern X 1 - 1 Fire Essence
Tower Shield - 8 Demonic Essence
Drake Leather Boots - 8 Abyss Oil
Square Shield - 5 Lunargent
Zubei's Gauntlets - 1 Hellfire Oil
Avadon Gloves - 1 Hellfire Oil
Zubei's Boots - 1 Hellfire Oil
Avadon Boots - 1 Hellfire Oil
Blue Wolf Boots - 4 Nightmare Oil
Boots of Doom - 4 Nightmare Oil
Blue Wolf Gloves - 4 Nightmare Oil
Doom Gloves - 4 Nightmare Oil

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